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510 Thread USB Vape Battery Adapter – 2 Pack Sale


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The 510 Thread USB Charger is a simple device to connect recharge your battery with the aid of most standard adapters

Simply connect your battery to the thread, the USB port to a charger, and position the assembly in a way that prevents it from disconnecting.

The Good

It seems like there’s a lot of rules that go into charging all your technology. Don’t leave it plugged too long. Or overnight. Maybe you shouldn’t plug it in at all? Ever. You’ve heard there’s a sweet spot for charging your phone or vape batteries but it’s unclear what it is. You Google it, follow the directions to a T, then drop it in the toilet eventually anyway. So, what’s the point? In reality, it’s possible to look at the output of the charger, reference it against a device and figure out how fast it will charge. Though there are several other electrical nuances that go into “how a batter will charge” there’s one essential best practice to follow – allow your battery to totally discharge before charging and try not to leave it connected too long past full charge.

The Bad

If your battery gets uncomfortably hot while in use or while charging, it’s time to recycle it and find another.

The Ugly

You ignore the heat, the battery bursts, and you end up with an insane ER bill.


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